Till around two years ago I had tons of subscriptions in my RSS reader. Hundreds of news I had to skim through every day. Then I realized this was neither sustainable nor healthy. I needed to spent less time on skimming through news that did not interest me.
A few months ago I and a few others read over a hundred talk proposals to find the perfect lineup for eurucamp.
In my last post I promised a follow up that explains the setup on my MacBook. And here it is.
Shortly before the 31C3 I started to be interested in mechanical keyboards. They are an important part of what we do as a programmer. We type. A lot. And we all should investigate more into possible options how we want to do it.
Yesterday I talked about state machines on the Berlin Ruby Usergroup.
The 31c3. What an awesome way to end the year 2014. For all of you who don’t know what the 31c3 was: a conference organized by the Chaos Computer Club, Europe’s largest collective of hackers. Four days with over 10.000 people and talks on technology, society and utopia.
Last year was an eye opener for all of us. Sadly the surveillance state was even worse than most people thought. One of my new years resolutions was to investigate what I can do to protect myself. I will not explain why privacy matters (for that you should watch this TED talk by Glenn Greenwald) but I will describe what I did.
I helped to tutor on a few RailsGirls Workshops in the last two years. After one of the workshops at the beginning of the year I formed a weekly learners group with my Co-Coach Jan. Sadly we could not find a curriculum to use as a starting point for our group, so we improvised one.
Currently I see a very worrying trend in the startup scene. A trend that circumvents everything workers fought for in Germany. We finally will get a minimum wage law in Germany on 1st of January 2015. But it looks like lots of startups don’t like that.