A man page is a form of software documentation usually found on a Unix or Unix-like operating system. Topics covered include computer programs, formal standards and conventions, and even abstract concepts. A user may invoke a man page by issuing the man command. – Wikipedia
In the last couple of weeks I saw lots of discussions about working long hours and pulling all nighters. For example an interview from Marissa Mayer. Sadly most articles glorified working long hours. Or even worse: declaring that this shows passion and if you don’t do it, you do not belong into the startup world.
This week I gave another talk at the Rug::B. This time about InfluxDB.
In the last couple of months there have been lots of people talking about problems in OpenSource. And I think this tweet sums it up pretty well:
It is now a tradition for me to spent the last days of the year with fellow nerds on the chaos communication congress in Hamburg. And as last year I spent lots of time in the RubyTown assembly and wandering around talking to people.
Today I gave a small lightning talk at the Rug::B about Ruby. Basically its a long list of stuff you can do with ruby besides websites.
10 years ago you could spot tourists on the street by their heavy usages of maps. Today this is nearly gone. Most tourists use their phone to find their way around a city. This is only one of the many things that changed since the start of the digital revolution.
Till around two years ago I had tons of subscriptions in my RSS reader. Hundreds of news I had to skim through every day. Then I realized this was neither sustainable nor healthy. I needed to spent less time on skimming through news that did not interest me.
A few months ago I and a few others read over a hundred talk proposals to find the perfect lineup for eurucamp.