Letzte Woche ist meine neue Sonnenbrille angekommen. Und als Nerd braucht man natürlich auch eine schöne Nerdsonnenbrille. Nein, nicht was Ihr jetzt denkt. Ich habe mir eine Brille ausgesucht wegen Ihrer nerdigen Geschichte. Die American Optical Pilot. Was an der Geschichte der Brille Nerdig ist? Das war die erste Sonnenbrille auf dem Mond 🙂 .
Last week I migrated a few projects to Uberspace. Some of them are rails projects and I had to find a good way to run them on Uberspace. There is an entry in the Uberspace Wiki for using Rails, but that one is using FastCGI, so I had to find a way to install passenger on my own. This is how I did it.
During a presentation yesterday at the cologne.rb @railsbros_andi showed his terminal. It had a nice spiderman ascii art on top of the input line. This inspired me to investigate how to add a nice image when opening a new shell.
Letzte Woche war ich wegen der Euruko in Amsterdam. Glücklicherweise war das die Woche, in der Prometheus in den Niederlanden anlief. Und noch viel besser, das die Konferenz in einem sehr coolen Kino stattfand. Wer mal stylisch Kino schauen will, sollte das Tuschinski auf jeden Fall mal besuchen.
And Euruko did it again. This was my second time at a Euruko conference and I am as impressed as I was last year in Berlin. The organizers here in Amsterdam have done a great job to make the conference a huge success. The @tenderlove friday hug should also considered to be a Euruko organizers hug :wink: .