The last time I did a CCC event retrospective was 4 years ago. I skipped 36c3 for reasons, but with 37c3 I’m back. I wasn’t in Hamburg this year, and I’m not sure if I want to join 38c3 in Hamburg, but time will tell.
But let’s start with the talks I’ve watched and liked. If you think I missed something, please let me know.
Breaking “DRM” in Polish trains
This was the talk that had the most impact in the public media. A team of researchers showed how a polish train manufacturer implemented DRM in their Trains and lied to the customer about it. Trying to get them to only use their own service for maintenance.
The talk from FragDenStaat is a must watch for me. Nice recap what they did since 2020.
Operation Triangulation: What You Get When Attack iPhones of Researchers
Researchers from Kaspersky show how they found out that iPhones from their coworkers were hacked with a rather complex malware. This talk explains how they found out and what the malware did to infect the devices.
Scholz greift durch: Die AfD wird verboten - Deepfakes auch!
This talk by the art collective Politische Schönheit was a nice mix of art and politics. They explained their last project where they created a deepfake of the german chancellor Olaf Scholz. They used this deepfake to create a video where he announces the ban of the german right wing party AfD.
Bifröst: Apple’s Rainbow Bridge for Satellite Communication
A nice overview of how Apple is using satellite communication to provide internet access to their devices.
The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT)
Always wanted to know how the biggest telescope in the world is built? This talk is for you.
Hirne hacken: Hackback Edition
How do you act after you’ve been hacked and got a ransom note? Nice walk through of how to react and what to do.
Security Nightmares
The (nearly) yearly talk about the state of IT security in the world.
Hacking the climate
What are the current ideas how to fix climate change? This talk gives a nice overview of the current ideas and how they could work.
KIM: Kaos In der Medizinischen Telematikinfrastruktur (TI)
How bad is the german medical infrastructure? This talk gives a nice overview of the cryptographic and security flaws in the german medical infrastructure.
Öffnet eure Spaces für Gehörlose!
How can you make your space more accessible for deaf people? This talk gives a nice overview of what you can do.
Unlocking Hardware Security: Red Team, Blue Team, and Trojan Tales
This is a nice overview of how to attack hardware security and how to defend against it.
LLMs have a lot of new security challenges. This talk gives a nice overview of ways to hack them and to extract data from people using the LLM.
BLUFFS: Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and Defenses
An attack on the Bluetooth protocol that showed that it’s possible to decrypt the traffic. This talk gives a nice overview of the attack and how to fix it.
How to build a submarine and survive
Never thought a talk about building a submarine would be this funny and interesting. Initially I skipped it, but thanks to Malte I watched it and it was great.