In every mail program you will find an option to set the priority of your emails. On a mac it looks like this:
Schöne Gelegenheit, mal den Spotify-Play-Button zu testen:
I had a few troubles getting Airplay to work under Mac OS 10.7. The solution is to disable IPv6 on your Mac :( .
Der Sommer naht. Und damit auch die Haupt-Reisezeit. Nur wie bucht man seine Reise am besten? Da ich relativ häufig durch die Gegend jette, werde ich öfter gefragt, wie ich das genau anstelle. Und hier kommt nun mein geballtes Wissen.
Yeah…the next hackathon for is approaching. From 27th to 29th of April you will find me and around 60 other hackers at the
Today I played around with OpenStreetMap to get all geo locations for the stops of the cologne train and bus system. I needed those as preparation for the Advance Hackathon in April. To my surprise it was relatively easy to get those out of OSM.