Favourite Podcasts of 2024

 A screenshot of an ios screen, overcast is playing the latest episode of 99% invisible

According to Overcast these are the podcasts I listened to the most:

An image of the most played podcasts in overcast, an iOS podcast player. First row is 99% invisible with 62 hours, Planet Money with 46 hoursand Piratensender Powerplay with 34 hours. Footer of the image says: 281 hours total listening time in Overcast

I do not listen to as many podcasts as I used to do. Manly because I don’t have a commute and the school of my kid is just a 10-min bike ride away, but 281 hours still sound like a lot of hours 😅.

  • 99% Invisible, the outstanding breakdown of The Power Broker was my surprise delight of the year. Really worth a listen.
  • Planet Money, getting the latest on finance, without the dread of finance bros.
  • Piratensender Powerplay, German news discussed in a very left leaning smart way.
  • Comfort Zone, this was a nice surprise. This is the podcast I look forward to in the week.
  • Ehrenwort, history, scandals…what do you want more? I visited their first live show in November, can recommend.
  • Thinking Elixir This is the first and only tech podcast that made the list. I used to listen to more of those, but somehow I needed more time away from work topics.
  • This American Life. A classic. Still amazing.
  • Sicherheitshalber, German podcast about military/security. As a green voter, this was important to open up my bubble. And it’s still left-ish, so not too bad.
  • Camper-Style, camping is our current way of vacationing. This helped me to get inspired for some vacation/gear stuff.

Honorable mentions

Besides those top 9 shows, I wanted to mention three others. Sometimes quality is more important than quantity 😃.

  • Art of the score — After a 1 1/2 year hiatus, they came back to just release one episode this year, but it was an “Interstellar” episode, so I can’t complain too much. If you love movies like I do (see my letterboxd account), listening to them going through soundtracks is really wonderful.
  • Home Cooking - Also one episode after a 2-year break. The chemistry between them is so good. Cannot wait for the next episode in 2 years 😅.
  • Dear Millennial - This was my favourite podcast for a long time, and I am delighted that it now has new episodes coming out regularly.

If this list is not enough podcasts for you, I have a list of parenting podcasts on PapiBerlin.de that you can follow.

I am always open for podcast recommendations. If you have any, please send them to me either via mastodon or email 🤗.

Portrait photo of Bodo Tasche
Bodo Tasche
Polyglot Developer

I am a freelance polyglot developer and love HTML5, testing, TypeScript, Ruby and Elixir. In the last 20 years I have been in lots of different roles, from Java to Elixir, from backend developer at a 3 people team in an early phase startup to the CTO of a web agency. Some of my work can be seen on my projects page.

Need help developing your MVP or to add new features into your current app? Need a CTO or a front/backend developer for hire? Send me an email.