It is now a tradition for me to spent the last days of the year with fellow nerds on the chaos communication congress in Hamburg. And as last year I spent lots of time in the RubyTown assembly and wandering around talking to people.
If you have never been there, try to go this year! It is totally worth it.
But the good news is: as always nearly all talks are online.
Here is a list of talks I loved:
Beyond your cable modem
How not to configure your network if you are an internet provider.
The exhaust emissions scandal („Dieselgate“)
Want to know more details about how Volkswagen cheated in their cars? Watch this.
A nice talk about how to manipulate payment processing systems.
Lifting the Fog on Red Star OS
A few interesting facts about the North Korean Linux distribution.
(Un)Sicherheit von App-basierten TAN-Verfahren im Onlinebanking (German)
This talk demonstrates how insecure app based TAN systems are.
The Perl Jam 2
Last year Netanel Rubin presented a talk in which he ranted about problems in the Perl language and how people are using Perl. This is a follow up.
Be warned. He is really ranting a lot. If you have problems with that, stay away from this talk.
Quantenphysik und Kosmologie (German)
Interested in quantum physics and have no clue? This talk gives a short introduction.
Having an heart implant is frightening enough by itself. It gets even scarier if you realize that this device has a wireless communication system and runs software that gets firmware upgrades. Your live relies on the Internet of Things.
Ten years after ‚We Lost The War‘
This is a follow up to a very famous talk from 10 years ago. In this Rop and Frank explain what the current status is and what you might need to expect in the next years.
Security Nightmares 0x10 (German)
The yearly security nightmare talk. What was going on in the last year and what we can expect in this year security wise.
Crypto ist Abwehr, IFG ist Angriff! (German)
A good recap of what Frag den Staat achieved this year and what they want to do in the future.
How the Great Firewall discovers hidden circumvention servers
Want to know how the Great Firewall works? Watch this talk.
Wie man einen Blackout verursacht (German)
In this talk you will get a nice explanation about how the power grid in Germany is set up and where the weak points are.
Tor onion services: more useful than you think
A nice little overview about tor onion services.
State of the Onion
The yearly status update of the tor network. A must watch if you are interested in privacy and security.
NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss: Zwischen Aufklärungswillen und Mauern aus Schweigen (German)
A very good recap about the last year in the NSA investigation of the German Parliament.
„Nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen“ – Floskeln in der Politik (German)
Every year Maha is demonstrating how politicians are using the German language. A must watch if you are interested in German politics.
rad1o++ - half a year later
Did you get a rad1o badge at the Chaos Computer Camp in summer? Then you have to watch this talk about bugs that have been found and what has changed software wise.
Methodisch inkorrekt! (German)
Love weird physics experiments done in a very unprofessional way? Look no further. This “talk” is for you :wink:.
Did I miss something? If yes please leave it in the comments below.