Two weeks ago I stumbled upon a nice little script in Michael Grosser’s Dotfiles. That little script helps to open the webpage of a gem. It gets the information from rubygems and opens a browsers with the webpage configured in the gemspec.
I thought this Idea was really great and upgraded the code to a rubygem plugin. To install the plugin enter the following line into your terminal:
$ gem install gem-web
To open the github page of the Ruby on Rails project, just enter this:
$ gem web rails
The plugin can also open the webpage or the documentation, if it is configured in the gemspec.
-g, --github Open github page of gem, this searches all urls for a github page. This is the default.
-c, --sourcecode Open sourcecode gem
-d, --doc Open documentation of gem
-w, --webpage Open webpage of gem
You can find the code of this Gem on Github.