29c3 retrospective

(cc-by-nc-sa 2.0 by tinowa)

Phew, I finally found some time to do a proper writeup of the 29c3.

The 29c3 is a conference organized by the Chaos Computer Club with tons of great lectures and workshops. This year the conference moved to Hamburg after years of being in Berlin. And it totally worked. Over 6.000 people visited the conference and it never felt crowded. You always found a table to hack on or a place in the conference rooms to watch the lectures. Even for the very popular lectures. I loved it. You can already count me in for the next one!

Luckily the FEM captured all talks. If you missed the conference, you can watch all talks online. Sadly (or luckily, depending on the english skills of the person giving the talk :wink: ) some of the talks are in German.

Here is my list of talks you should not miss:

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Hash-Flodding DOS reloaded: attacks and defenses
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Thumbdrive from scratch
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Milking the digital cache cow
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And now to the german ones:

Fnord Jahrsrückblick
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Security Nightmares
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Die Wahrheit, was wirklich passierte und was in der Zeitung stand Wie Medien unsere Wahrnehmung beeinflussen
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Trojaner Blindflug
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Der Mord fällt aus
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Sprache, Ungleichheit und Unfreiheit
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All talks can be downloaded on several mirrors. Here is one.

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Bodo Tasche
Polyglot Developer

I am a freelance polyglot developer and love HTML5, testing, TypeScript, Ruby and Elixir. In the last 20 years I have been in lots of different roles, from Java to Elixir, from backend developer at a 3 people team in an early phase startup to the CTO of a web agency. Some of my work can be seen on my projects page.

Need help developing your MVP or to add new features into your current app? Need a CTO or a front/backend developer for hire? Send me an email.